What Lifts You Show Launch

Hi Everyone,

Courtney and I are super excited to announce that we are starting a You Tube channel that follows us on some of our art journeys around the world. We are titling this new ‘show’ What Lifts You and have just launched the first episode our our You Tube here.

In this first episode we create (with the help of our amazing carpenter, Chad Skupien) a movable mural for children with visual impairment for the Anchor School for Blind Children in Colorado. The piece is designed for kids to see through their hands (it is tactile) but also it is designed for kids with certain impairments to see. Some children can see red wavelengths, so we added red lights, some can see high contrast, so we make the piece black and white and we hid little braille notes throughout the piece.

Check out the complete episode and let us know what you think!?

Thank you,
